Our dedicated ESG champions across each of our core locations are set on making real change that inspires the team and brings them together with a focus on skills and supporting young people into careers.
We have chosen charities local to our three offices in Nottingham, Birmingham and London that focus on skills, education and housing, as well as committing to working more closely with causes supported by our clients.
Our dedication to supporting young people in developing their skills and getting into careers has enabled our team to provide localised and targeted support to the communities we are situated within.
This includes projects, workshops and events with our partner Nottingham College to introduce students to the possibilities of careers within PR and marketing and support our clients with their own initiatives, including the “We’ve Got You” campaign launched by Lovell Partnerships in 2023, which is taking its first steps in helping young people with experience of care or homelessness to access training and career opportunities within the construction sector.
Over the years, Cartwright has established longstanding relationships with various charities in the community, and have helped them build partnerships with local businesses and gain valuable support through strategic marketing campaigns and PR activity.
We’re proud of our ethics, diversity & inclusivity panel, which is entrusted to uphold the fair treatment and respected approach we take to our staff and clients. We always look to improve our policies and practices and provide expert EDI training for our teams, including essential advice and guidance, which will influence our new and updated EDI policy statement.
We actively ensure in all business areas that we continue to assist the learning and development of our talented team, with an award-winning employee wellbeing programme and flexible and hybrid working policies.
Cartwright devotes time to delivering career talks and mentoring both internally and externally and has connections to Nottingham Trent University, Birmingham City employability panel, The Prince’s Trust, and the BBC.
Cartwright not only provides pro-bono PR services to several smaller charities nationwide but has dedicated annual time to marathon walkathons and litter picking, plus local conservation initiatives with regional primary schools, Nottingham Canal Trust and Birmingham Black Country Life Wildlife Trust.
This year, we have audited our scope 1 to 3 emissions alongside Nottingham Trent University’s Sustainability in Enterprise team and made key updates to the office to make us more energy and waste-efficient. We are actively monitoring and reviewing our emissions and are looking at ways we can minimise our impact on the environment to meet global standards and work towards becoming a net-zero business.
IN 2023 WE...
Reduced our paper usage and printing by 30%
Offset the mileage spent visiting clients by planting the same % in trees
Made sustainable swaps to our office environment and facilities, reducing use of plastic and other disposable materials
Created a climate-positive workforce by ensuring the whole team was involved in supporting the environment
Over the years, Cartwright has established longstanding relationships with a range of charities in the community. We have helped them to build partnerships with local businesses and gain valuable support through strategic marketing campaigns and PR activity. This year, we have adopted an official charity to focus our fundraising efforts on.
Juno Women’s Aid empower women, children and teenagers who have been affected by domestic abuse and help them to live lives free from violence and fear. They work in Ashfield, Broxtowe, Gedling, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe.
We support the vital work that Juno Women’s Aid provide in Nottingham & Nottinghamshire through our pro bono services, fundraising efforts and sustained campaigns.
Ready to chat?
We would love to chat with you and learn how we can help elevate your brand with our full spectrum of services!
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