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Key takeaways from BrightonSEO 2024: factors for future digital marketing strategies

By Jotdeep Drarh – SEO manager

Famed for its pebbled beach, vintage shopping, and thriving arts scene, Brighton is also home to the world’s largest search engine marketing conference. Our SEO manager Jot was lucky enough to get his hands on tickets to the hugely popular BrightonSEO 2024, which provides – invaluable insights for digital marketers and SEO professionals, emphasising the importance of adapting to new trends and technologies. 

Here, Jot delves into the major themes and takeaways from the two-day event, covering the evolution of the Search Generative Experience (SGE), AI in content creation, the significance of EEAT, the shifting search landscape, and the power of storytelling in search…

The evolution of Search Generative Experience

One of the most discussed topics at BrightonSEO 2024 was the Search Generative Experience (SGE) and its potential impact on organic traffic. SGE, an AI-powered enhancement to organic search, has been evolving since its introduction.

A common concern among SEO professionals is that SGE might drastically reduce organic traffic, particularly for queries where users don’t need to visit a site for answers, such as question-based queries, definitions, or recipes. 

Google’s snippets already provide quick answers, and SGE could amplify this trend, potentially decreasing organic traffic for top results in search engine results pages (SERPS) by as much as 30%; this has led to further discussions around the impact of zero-click searches where click-through rates to websites are predicted to dip drastically. 

However, the consensus is that SEO isn’t dying; it’s evolving. Generative AI will likely handle straightforward queries, but it won’t replace the need for in-depth, informative content. Users with more complex queries will still seek out detailed sources, ensuring that quality content remains crucial. 

Experts predict an increase in zero-click searches, where users get their answers directly on the search page. This shift will necessitate new ways to measure SEO success and communicate value. E-commerce is expected to benefit as Google enhances the online shopping experience with AI-driven features, giving priority to shopping results in results pages. 

Ultimately, quality content is resilient. The SERP, even with SGE, will prioritise content that offers high relevance, authoritative backlinks, and a superior user experience. Marketers should focus on providing specific, detailed answers tailored to their audience’s needs, particularly targeting younger demographics who have shown high satisfaction and engagement with SGE so far. 

AI and content creation

AI’s integration into content creation was a prominent theme at the event. Speakers highlighted the potential of AI to streamline workflows, generate ideas, and assist in creating basic content. However, while AI can be a powerful tool, the conclusions derived suggested that AI should not replace human creativity and expertise.

AI can help with efficiency, particularly in generating content outlines, conducting research, and even writing drafts. Yet, relying too heavily on AI without proper quality control can lead to issues. Search engines are becoming clever at recognising and penalising low-quality, AI-generated content that lacks depth and originality. Therefore, AI should be used as a complementary tool to enhance human-generated content, ensuring it meets the high standards expected by both search engines and users. 

For instance, using AI to handle repetitive tasks allows content creators to focus on adding a human touch, infusing content with personality, and ensuring it resonates with the target audience. The key takeaway is to strike a balance, using AI to enhance productivity while maintaining a strong emphasis on quality and authenticity. 

EEAT (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, trustworthiness)

The importance of EEAT was another focal point at the conference. Although EEAT is not a direct ranking factor, it plays a crucial role in how search engines evaluate and rank content. Quality raters use EEAT guidelines to assess the value of content, which indirectly influences search engine algorithms.

Creating content that displays expertise and authority is essential. This involves producing well-researched, in-depth articles that demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter. Including author bios with credentials, citing reputable sources, and obtaining backlinks from authoritative sites are effective ways to boost EEAT. 

Experience is also vital. Content that reflects real-world knowledge and practical insights tends to perform better. This can be achieved through case studies, user testimonials, and personal anecdotes that provide a unique perspective. 

Trustworthiness is perhaps the most critical aspect. Ensuring your website is secure, transparent about data usage, and adheres to ethical standards helps build trust with your audience. Including clear contact information, privacy policies, and avoiding deceptive practices are fundamental steps to enhance trustworthiness. 

The shifting search engine landscape

The digital landscape is evolving, and traditional search engines like Google and Bing are no longer the only players. Younger generations are increasingly turning to alternative platforms such as YouTube, Reddit, and TikTok for information and entertainment. This shift necessitates a broader approach to SEO, one that encompasses these diverse platforms.

Optimising content for these platforms involves understanding their unique algorithms; for example, creating engaging video content for YouTube requires a different strategy than writing a blog post for Google. Similarly, participating in relevant Reddit communities and sharing valuable insights can drive traffic and engagement from that platform. 

TikTok, with its emphasis on short, engaging videos, offers a unique opportunity for brands to reach a younger audience. Developing a TikTok SEO strategy involves using trending hashtags, participating in challenges, and creating content that resonates with the platform’s user base. 

Adapting to these changes means not only diversifying content types but also tailoring strategies to fit each platform’s unique environment. This approach ensures that brands remain visible and relevant across multiple digital touchpoints. 

Our conclusion about BrightonSEO 2024

This thought-provoking conference put emphasis on the importance of a balanced, integrated approach to SEO. Leveraging AI responsibly, focusing on EEAT principles, adapting to shifting search behaviours, and mastering storytelling are crucial for staying ahead in the digital landscape. A well-rounded strategy that integrates content creation, technical SEO, UX, and link-building is key to success.

However, it’s also essential to remember the old saying: “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it“. While it’s important to adapt and innovate, maintaining the foundational elements of SEO that have proven effective over time is equally critical. Continuous learning and adaptation, combined with tried-and-true practices, will ensure digital marketers can navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead, delivering high-quality, engaging, and effective SEO strategies. 

For further expert advice on how the future of search is expected to evolve, and the impact this may have on your business, contact our digital marketing experts today. 

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