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Criterion Capital 

Stakeholder Engagement and Community Consultation
week project
businesses and residents consulted
website turnaround


In collaboration with Centro Planning Consultancy and our client Criterion Capital, we were tasked with supporting a planning application for a sensitive hotel extension in London’s Leicester Square. The proposed project aimed to add 30 new hotel rooms and extend the roof terrace of the Assembly Hotel. 

Situated in a prime location in the heart of London, previous planning history showed that the previous owner was not granted permission for a residential development. Given this background, we needed to ensure messaging was carefully crafted to highlight the benefits of the new hotel scheme to both the local community and members of Westminster City Council.  

Eager to move forward with the application promptly, the client requested that we complete a community consultation and engagement with key stakeholders within a 4-week period from our appointment. 


We carefully designed a detailed communications strategy, which given the tight timescales centred around an online consultation as the prime strategy to engage with the local community. We also engaged with key stakeholders to secure early buy-in for the scheme, including prominent Westminster City Council members. 

We created a comprehensive website providing all relevant information about the proposals, including a feedback tab with dedicated direct contact options for residents and business owners to contact the project team. Additionally, concerned residents and business owners were given the option to meet with the team. 

Advertising the proposals and providing extensive details to nearby properties at the earliest possible stage was a central strategy pillar, giving residents opportunity to respond and reduce potential negativity. Careful media management was also crucial to ensure the wider community was informed about the scheme and to maximise positive press coverage. 


Ahead of the committee meeting, we prepared a briefing note designed to effectively convey the proposals to members, ensuring all information was easily digestible. This led to members having no concerns about the proposals. The briefing note successfully addressed any outstanding questions and the plans were unanimously approved (4-0). 

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