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Taking a proactive approach to fire safety efforts, San Francisco Fire Department enforced mandatory legislation at the turn of 2023, specifying that a wireless evacuation system must be present on wood-frame projects in construction. The measure was designed to move away from outdated forms of fire alert and prevention, such as air horns or ‘waking watch’ patrols, which have been deemed inefficient and costly in favour of digital-led tools.


Highlighting awareness of Ramtech’s Wireless Evacuation System (WES) in meeting the new requirements, we embarked on a three-month awareness campaign highlighting the dangers of non-compliance and the suitability of the system in aiding fire prevention efforts on site. This comprised of carousel, static and video content, which drove audiences to a specified landing page for further information.


The campaign resulted in wide awareness across key specified audiences in the San Francisco area, including engineers, operations, and H&S professionals. A downloadable guide was also devised given the strong LinkedIn metrics, directing contractors to further information on the legislation and WES product.

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